Health and Safety in Warehousing and Logistic Training
Warehousing and logistic industries recently has experienced increasing work related incidents which many of them were classified as major injuries such as fractures and broken bones.
Effective health and safety management for warehousing and logistics is highly required to overcome the problems. It will involve looking at the risks that arise from your warehouse and logistics activities and then putting sensible health and safety measures in place to suitably control them. This will enable your company to not only protect its employees and members of the public from harm, but also to help protect your premises, goods, equipment and reputation.
- Understand legal obligations in workplace safety and health
- Identify hazards in warehousing and logistic activities
- Workplace traffic
- Safe operation of transport vehicles and safe speed limit
- Loading and unloading operations involving mobile cranes
- Trailers, heavy trucks and lorries, operation of forklifts at warehouse
- Housekeeping at workplace etc.
- Put on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Take safety precautions when working with different hazards
- Respond in case of fire or emergency
- Understand how to store material safely
- Able to conduct warehouse and logistic audit.
Upon completion of this training, you will be able to:
- After the course, the participants should be able to recognize the safety hazards in the area of work, know the preventive measures to be adopted, and the importance of observing safety signs and safe work procedures.
You will learn about :
- Legal obligation :
- Duties and responsibilities of employees
- Workplace Safety and Health Acts
- Health and Safety Committee
- Chemistry of fire – fire tetrahedron
- Types of combustible materials (fuel)
- Sources of ignition (heat)
- Type of fire and the use of fire extinguishers
- Procedures to respond in case of fire
- Workplace traffic management
- Safe loading and unloading operations
- Manual handling of loads
- Use of ladder
- Good house-keeping
- Mechanical hazards and guarding (include LOTO)
- Electrical hazards and controls
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Safe material storage systems
- Warehouse and Logistic safety audit
Lecture, interactive participation, group discussion, case study and video
Manager, supervisor, and anyone involved in warehousing and logistic activities
DURATION : 2 days
Ir. Jonathan Sembiring, MM. Over 25 years of handsPon and extensive experiences with theory & practical approach Quality, Health, Safety and Environment QHSE Management System and productivity improvement of various industries, ranging from mining, oil and gas, petrochemical, and manufacturing.
Certified Trainer in Green Productivity )Lean, Six Sigma, TQM, Kaizen, Health, Safety and Environment) dari APO (Asian Productivity Organization), Tokyo IRCA Certified EMS ISO 14001, IRCA Certified OHSAS 18001, IRCA Certified 9001 and IRCA Certified 22000.
Time & Venue
Date : 20 s.d 21 April 2016
Time : 08.00 – 16.00
Venue :
- Training Center URP, Jl. Pondasi Np. 33E, Kampung Ambon – Jakarta Timur
- Training Center TMC, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No. 590, Metro Trade Center (MTC) Blok G-12 Bandung
Informasi, Jadwal Pelatihan dan Pendaftaran :
Ph. 022.7536405, 7536201, 87301125
Contact Person : Siska/Elis/Heldha